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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesdays Are Like My Mondays

I work weekend nights, Fri, Sat and Sun...so when I get off work Monday morning, I spend most of the day napping off and on just to function. By the time Tuesday rolls around, it's more like a Monday for me...usually my busy day. Although...I still find myself thinking about napping!!

I ran my errands late morning...(still not an early bird...curse of the "graveyard shift"). In my new found interest of starting up DIY and crafty projects again...I visited a couple thrift stores to see what I could find. Well...I didn't really find what I was looking for, in a reasonable price range for my budget anyway; but as always happens, I did find a couple things I could use. 
One being this cool little brass fireplace tool set. I have been wanting one since I bought my house over a year ago...but #1, didn't really know where to find them for a good price...and #2, I was managing with a barbecue fork, dust pan and hand broom!!(yes, quite silly, but they worked). Anyway...I found this set for $18.99!! I would consider that a pretty good deal. It's worn, and tarnished...but hey, I am sure a little cleaning up or even some fireproof/heat resistant paint might spruce it up just fine...if I even decide to do that. 
I was initially looking for some small wooden pieces of furniture, or serving trays, or boxes...just something little to practice some staining and decoupage on. I also have a wood burning kit that I wanted to use to burn/etch some designs into them. My ultimate goal is to do a hutch, dresser, cabinet or buffet...but I want to practice on small stuff first! My other thought was free stuff that I see people leaving out by dumpsters or on the curb. Craig's List and Facebook Marketplace are sometimes good to find neat or unusual things too. I'll get there. I have the word out that I am looking for wooden furniture to refurbish and decorate...so we'll see what happens! 

In between running around and getting lost in my thoughts about my latest hobby and craft attempts...I managed to throw together a quick meal that actually turned out pretty good.
I love the store Lidl...and when I go there, I am always drawn to the fresh produce. I have to be so careful not to get carried away, because it goes bad before I have a chance to use it. I bought some fresh green beans, and I had some mushrooms already. I sauteed them together in Olive Oil, seasoned with something called "greens seasoning" that I found "somewhere"...and some garlic and soy sauce. I threw them on top of some Jasmine rice. The rice was one of those Uncle Ben's 90 sec microwave packets...so this meal took me all of maybe 10-15 mins to make...and it tasted good. Quick and easy...that's how I like it. It looks kind of pretty too!! I imagine it would have tasted good with some Sesame Seeds or Oil too, and maybe some sliced almonds in there. 

I had to go to school tonight too...so anything I can do that requires minimal effort is great! I guess it was a productive day over all! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! Stay tuned! 

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