About Me

Friday, January 8, 2016

Stains of Life

The stains on my clothes all represent something; on one shoulder, chocolate from my grandson falling asleep after eating a cookie--on the other shoulder, tears and snot from crying eyes. On my pants, the remains of little hands full of Macaroni and Cheese or Cheez-Its. The coffee stain on my shirt from tripping over a toy while carrying my coffee from place to place. 

The wine stain on my carpet is from dancing to my favorite song with a glass of wine in my hand! The dirt and mud a sign of lots of traffic in and out from loved ones, friends, and furry pets! Kool Aid and grape juice from a toddler that can't sit still. 

I'd rather look at these stains and be able to smile, rather than stress over the fact that they happened in the first place. For it just means that "life happens". 

At work, a coffee stain usually happens while gulping that ever so necessary caffeinated beverage in between running from room to room for the next patient who calls or needs me. My uniform gets stained from caring for someone who no longer has control over their situation, relying on me for comfort and help. It simply means that the human touch still exists, and is still important to me, and to that person on the other end who may have a mind still trapped inside a sick body. 

Splatters, stains, spills, splotches and spats...we can't avoid them; but we can accept that they will come, and add them to our memory banks...some fond, and others not so much! 

So when you see me looking slightly out of sorts or disheveled, full of stains and hair a mess...know that I truly experience human interaction and life!--the real deal, I'm bringing sexy back! Peace and Love to all. 

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