About Me

Thursday, December 12, 2019

I haven't been here in a long, long time. I sort of forgot about it, (my blog), and after reading a family member's article, then a winter wedding with all sorts of family and friends...well, the "bug" hit me again. 

I read the title again...of the blog...and thought about it. "Simply Chaotic or Chaotic Simplicity"...it's perfect for life. On the one hand, we wish to live simply, but we are surrounded by chaos...so it fits. 

Much has happened since the last time I wrote anything...and I have been careful as to the subject matter due to different reactions I might get, or "who" I might upset. I have since developed a different attitude...older and wiser, (even after just a few years). 

My purpose for "blogging"?...you ask? Well, to express myself; whether it be about cooking, gardening, (for which I have yet to master even at a novice level), or even about renewing an interest in an old hobby (like writing or drawing  or whatever). It is even for contemplating life's philosophy...or writing about the mood I am in (or which part of my personality is shining through at the moment). It's about "when the spirit moves me". 

"Who am I today"?
"What am I feeling"?
"Where are my thoughts"? There are so many possibilities to ponder. If I am sitting in my back yard watching the butterflies and bumble bees...it makes me smile...so I will write about it. How it makes me feel, how grateful I am for the small blessings in life. When I am sitting beneath the night sky, watching the moon or stars...it makes me feel a certain way; so I will write. The warmth of the sun shining down on me...I will write.  When I cook something that looks fabulous and also tastes good...I will blog! Why not? For this is about "normal" life...and normal life can be full of surprises, or just status quo; share it anyway.

Society has a thing for "reality TV"; and I am not a huge fan, but I will watch it now and again if it's on, or something catches my eye. I guess we all love to see how other people's lives are so "chaotic"...or extravagant, or full of drama; even sometimes. It helps us feel as if we are not crazy, or mentally unbalanced...or all that imperfect. We can disappear into a vortex of folly, fails and foolishness...to temporarily remove ourselves from "our own reality"...I suppose. In my opinion, achieving an "altered state of consciousness" would do the same thing. I am not an advocate for "hard drugs"...but some wine or the occasional medicinal use of a certain natural herbal type...wouldn't be so bad. (smile).

I live in a different environment than where I grew up. Charleston is what I like to describe as "small town" trying to be "metropolis". It's not even the suburbs...I don't know what it is. It is beautiful...but much different than my home town way up in the Poconos. People get caught up in the "busy-ness" of it, the hustle and bustle. When you have the convenience of 24-hours stores, delivery services, interstates everywhere...it's easy to forget how to have fun...simple fun. I'm guilty. I miss game night, movie night, dancing to the beat of my own drum...and so on. I am so glad I still make it home to help me remember how important those things are. It keeps me grounded, and again...something else to make me smile. 

So here's to my renewed hope to blog my heart out, at least a couple times a week...no worries of "correct" grammar, or attempting a "literary masterpiece"...just simple, chaotic, fun...."blogging". 

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