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Saturday, January 4, 2020

Perfectly Human

                                          Perfectly Human

"Remember: the more you expect things to be a certain way, the more disappointed you’ll be. Accept life as it is. You’ll be free." Maxime Lagacé

I come to this blog again, thinking that my thoughts will just "flow" onto the page. I was looking through old pictures on my social media sites to try to get them into my files on this "Chromebook". I bought it a couple years ago...and still don't really know how to use all the features, or even find them!--so I have been watching "you tube" videos on how to use the Chromebook!! Really? Well, it helps...I swore I'd never be a YouTube junkie, and I am not...but unfortunately, I have to go there because they are right...there is always something on YouTube...even if you "google-it" first.

I have been putting some serious effort in learning about this whole blogging thing. I watched YouTube videos on it too!! It isn't going to be perfect, or even great...to start with...obviously!!--but in time I will get there. The writing part is not the problem once my mind opens up and the words come...but the layout and design of the pages is what is going to slow me down. I am not a graphic designer...but just like every other "interest" and "inquiring minds want to know"...I will keep doing my research. Thankfully there are a lot of resources out there from free or "barely nothing" to very expensive as far as cost...it just depends on what you want, (or not)! I find myself pursuing this with fervor...sort of like when life gets a little bumpy...find something to do!! It distracts me from worries and stresses temporarily.

With the New Year, I mentioned in a previous blog that I made no resolutions, because I feel like I am constantly thinking about ways to improve my life; whether it be finances, eating better, losing weight...working less (yeah...right)!!--whatever it may be...I bounce back and forth all the time with the same old stuff. I realize too, that I have to be in the right "mindset" in order to actually be successful at any one of these...(or all). Sometimes I feel like I am in total control of my life..and then something happens to knock me down...or remind me that in fact, "I am not in control". It is life and work. It is family and friends. It is "normal" every day "stuff"...but it can hit me like a "wrecking ball". I suppose the alignment in the planets and stars combined with the tide and the moon all affect my spirit. I am happy to just blame it on hormones, menopause and middle age; but I'll take that too!

I listen to audio books a lot...especially when I lay down to relax; although, I usually fall asleep while listening. The good thing about that is, those subconscious messages...right? I keep telling myself that if I listen to it while I am sleeping, (because I can't stay awake), then I'll get all that subliminal stuff in there!! "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama is one of my "go to" audio books. It just makes sense, and it makes me happy. As with anybody, I choose my audio books depending on my mood or what I may be going through "in life" at the time. Eastern religion, faith and philosophy have always interested me. I've taken a few religion classes over the years, "just because"!!

So this blog rambled on about interests, old and new...a little bit of life in general; my "perfectly human" title reflects the ups and downs, trials and tribulations, ebb and flow; of life, work, home, people...whatever the case may be. It is quite awesome how we can stand with a solid foundation, grounded in our beliefs and habits...but be "ever-changing" and "ever-evolving". That is truly...


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