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Friday, February 14, 2020

It Really Is Friday Today!!

I don't know what to do with myself...I usually go to work on Friday night...and work through the weekend. Hours have been getting cut at work, with all of us, not just me...so I am bittersweet about getting called off. Financially it is not the best situation with those of us who have not been getting our hours. Here's the thing...I'm a nurse; so you'd think "job security" or "never without a job"...and all that is true, depending on where you work. My particular company is a "for profit" facility...so they find ways to save money, naturally. I get it...I do; but it's hard to hang in there when this happens for months at a time. I know there are a lot of companies that do this, so ours is not alone. They have to make money, save money...to keep going. (welcome to corporate America)! 

I decided to use my time off to go back to school, which still isn't helping me financially, right now...but I am trying to look at the big picture down the road. It will increase my earning potential, and open up other opportunities for me, for sure. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse...and going back to school will earn my degree to become a Registered Nurse. This is a good decision...should have done it a long time ago...but I was always satisfied as things were. It wasn't until this last year or so that I begin struggling more than usual. I did get divorced, I did get a house, I did get a car...but none of these are "abnormal" or over the top expenses. So I have difficultly understanding why it seems so challenging to "make a living" like everyone else is trying to do. 

There are opportunities for part time work, or picking up a second job...which I am following up with...but it's taking me awhile to do that as well, since I am in school now. It's like I can see the good and bad in both scenarios...working a second job to get on top of my finances...but also getting done with school finally to facilitate that income potential for the longer duration. 

I can't be the only one going through this...that's what I tell myself. I know a few others who are also struggling right around me...and I wonder sometimes if it's the economy, or lack of resources, time...whatever. I am determined to conquer this hurdle. I'll figure it out...I always do!

I still count my blessings everyday...there are some better off than me...but others worse. I feel sort of stuck in the middle, that gray area that puts me teetering on poverty, but not "poor" or "disadvantaged". Make sense? I am sure like a million others in this country. I have a family who loves me...and a boat load of friends; so I can't really complain. 

Here's to placing one foot in front of the other...and marching forward...no matter what!! 

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