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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

So I am on spring break this week...had all sorts of ideas for projects and overdue chores I was going to do this week!--tackled a couple of them...but not as many as I wanted to. (Ah, but the week is not over yet!)! The rain put a damper on some...I was planning on yard work and planting some flowers and veggies. Instead I opted to clean house some and try to "unclutter" a bit. I told Alexa to play Stevie Nicks...danced around a bit while cooking and cleaning; then I chose music from 1965-1967. It took me back to a sweeter time, of peace, love and happiness; in the midst of whatever chaos was happening in the world at the time. The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, the Birds, The Monkees..and a little Elvis thrown in the mix. Amazingly, my grandson sat right on the couch playing his game...with no complaints whatsoever! I think sometimes it's nice to just leave television off, and let the music play! Made for a peaceful "drama-free" afternoon that often comes with the territory of having a school aged child around! 
I had gone shopping the day before, and had some fresh vegetables to use...so I made some home made chicken soup! It seems to warm the soul and taste so good, no matter what the weather outside! 

Not only does it make the kitchen smell fabulous, but it brings a smile to my face when I sip on it curled up in my favorite arm chair, with a light throw over my lap! 

No smart phone, no tv, dim lighting...it all fits into a perfectly awesome evening watching the rain out the window!

And listening to the oldies, singing along...I forgot how much I loved them, and how well I remember them...when my mom and dad would play them, singing and dancing around the house. A simpler time, protecting us, teaching us, loving us. 

I am forever grateful...and I keep those memories with me...holding tight; for they are part of me now. Even hearing Andy Williams, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra...brings me comfort. Funny how I can relate songs to different stages of life, various moods and messages, and so on. I think when our life gets hectic...it's nice to be able to turn on some music and sort of escape for a moment...or go back to a happy place in time. It represents who we are and where we are from. Whether it's classic rock that makes me think about high school, hanging in the basement or garage; or the crooners that made my dad sing and dance around the kitchen while I was doing my homework...and dinner was cooking; or even the "sock hop" music that made my mom and dad both grab each other and dance around the living room. It's all very special to me. 

I have passed some of my own favorites onto my own kids who are grown now...and even my grandson...will listen to Stevie Nicks with me!! Creating my own memories now...just as my mom and dad did with me, my sister and brother. Life is good...it goes on...it keeps moving forward. 

Those are my thoughts for today! Carry on...and let the music play!

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