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Monday, March 9, 2020

Is There Something In The Air?

I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately. Sometimes I think about things, and then I get little subtle hints...like "instant messaging" for the brain...that kind of validate my reasons for either making a change, or trying something new...or whatever the case may be. 

Like so many, I have read about the zodiac signs, or "Mercury in retrograde"...over the years, but not with any consistency. It's more out curiosity than a means to live my life. I don't normally make decisions based on "how the stars are aligned" or what astrology says I should or shouldn't do...but when information, conversation, or activities of daily life...throw little tidbits of "stuff" into my personal space...it kind of gets my attention! Especially if it coincides with what may have been consuming my thoughts lately! Maybe there is some grain of truth or forecast in these writings/readings. 

Change is inevitable...and many times it's good; but I am a creature of habit...and don't do change well in some cases (even though my "gypsy spirit" longs for change, I am not good at manifesting it). I get comfortable with routine and familiarity...and when things begin to change...I tend to get a little stressed. Well, in astrology, Christianity, and lots of other universal beliefs or faiths...this is often considered a "sign" that it's time for a change. For example: I am not a job-hopper...generally I stay where I am for a long time...unless things "change", and I then make a decision to "change" along with it; whether remaining there and changing "with it" or leaving and changing my own path or direction in life. 

Be that as it may...I have been thinking a lot about creating this "change" in my life. I ponder dreams I have, places I want to go, things I want to accomplish...etc. Although I like routine and familiarity...I do wonder sometimes if there is "something else" out there...and can I find the confidence and self-assurance to find it? It may be a matter of just finding something else in the same field I am in, or really just making a complete change and pursue something entirely different. I haven't quite figured out the details, but I'm certainly making an active effort to find the answer!!

I must weigh the pros and cons, and make this decision with a leap of faith...but without putting myself in a situation that I'll regret later...my gosh...how in the world do I manage that? One of the astrology readings that I mentioned...says to "set aside the need to be practical and let your 'blue sky' creativity run free". I love that...I want to do that! I won't sit here and analyze every little word seeking the hidden messages...I'll take it for face value! 

Apparently Mercury has been in Retrograde...which is why so much is happening to so many people...but if we wait until it's over, we can harness this energy and utilize that time to create awesome changes in our lives. (I can do that)! How in the world am I going to ever know what I am capable of, or what opportunities are out there, if I don't seek them? I have to be an active participant in life...I don't remember where I read that...but it's true. As comfortable as I am with routine and familiarity...it stifles me. I feel like I am limiting myself based on what I am willing to "settle for".  I also read somewhere that you have to challenge yourself often, otherwise you fall into the "same old routine" day after day...not knowing what else is out there.

The same reading stated "scuttle out of that crab shell and go explore the broader world of ideas, travel and new opportunities". (I am a Cancer...I do have a shell, and I do tend to retreat into it and get comfortable)! On the other hand, I have a "gypsy spirit" that longs to step outside my comfort zone...and experience life in a way that reflects my genuine self...not the one who has conformed to the expectations of others. I have a bad habit of "trying to make others happy", thinking somehow it will earn me points, or that's what I am supposed to do...I am, after all, a natural born caregiver and nurturer...sometimes to my disadvantage. 

"Saturn in Aquarius helps balance head and heart, making sure you're protecting your interests rather than taking care of everyone else at your own expense". I thought this was rather revealing. How do they know that? It's an all too familiar scenario for many of us, though. It's quite normal to get caught up in being part of a family or workplace...and just keep going with the flow. It's okay...Daoism teaches to "go with the natural flow of things" rather than resisting. My take on this is that while this is true...it still doesn't mean that when things begin to change...or that "natural flow" is not what the "other" party is doing...then it's okay to make a decision to change or go in another direction. I've had to think on this a bit...because I am not a "change" person...even though I'd like to be!! It boils down to my own insecurities and working through them..."work in progress". 

I advocate change, I love being free to express myself...and want to encourage others to do so as well. Put the music on, have a glass of wine and dance around...(don't spill the wine)! 

I think I have a plan that will work, but still working out the details. My theory on this, is that every time I think about it, and a smile comes across my face...then it must be the right thing to do. Those "instant messages" in my brain, along with subtle hints or hypothetical "burning bushes"...are gradually building up my confidence and helping this plan come to fruition. 

Here's to change...and hopping on board to perhaps an uncertain future...but think of the benefits later on!! Peace Out!!

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